Resistance bands these are great for exercising those
muscles but could using them also reduce depression. A new study in JAMA
psychiatry found that weight lifting and other forms of resistance training may
help reduce depression.
Researchers even suggest resistance training was comparable
to front line treatments like antidepressants and behavioral therapies. I'll
tell you what there's been a lot of studies done on this where people who can
literally have a diagnosis of depression and they start physical activity in
this case. We’re talking about resistance can go into complete remission and it
gets back to that mind-body connection and for one I use exercise and
resistance training as my natural antidepressant.
unequivocally I do I carry bands with me anytime I'm
traveling I use them at home and you can this can be as simple as you're
singing in your car as the passenger not the driver and you know just this
movement that I'm doing right. Here I can do in my airplane seat and what I'm
doing is pulling my shoulder blades together to the person sitting next to you
think now if I do this. I think the nice thing about these is that they work
regardless of age so certainly.
When you're younger but older people to maintain bone density
can do this and these results have been shown even if you're not gaining weight
it doesn't have to be such hardcore weight lifting. Just any sort of resistance
do one last comment what's cool about resistance bands. they tend to offer the
most resistance at the point in the motion where your joints are least stressed
so if I'm you know just for my triceps here this is when my joint is most
stressed well with the resistance band as I extend my arm the resistance gets
harder and harder and as I come back resistance gets less and so there's a
little less stress on my joint than if I were using a free weight where it's
the same amount of weight through the whole motion. So just doing that out
there I love these bad boys this is a gym right here you.
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